Not on Social Media: Missing Out?

Not on Social Media: Missing Out? (Everything to Know)

If you aren’t on social media, you can miss out on social interactions with people you like, ranging from small life updates to in-person events that you might really enjoy. On the other hand, you can also miss out on negative things like stress and wasted time. You can even miss out on FOMO itself.

Getting 732-873 Authentication Codes: Why?

Getting 732-873 Authentication Codes: Why? (All the Info)

This is a common number used to send official authentication codes from major tech companies like Microsoft. It is a safe phone number, and if you requested an authentication code before the text, everything is working as planned. If you didn’t request the code, then there is a problem that needs to be addressed.

Mensa Workout Test Results: Meaning?

Mensa Workout Test Results: Meaning? (Everything to Know)

Mensa workout test results don’t really mean a whole lot. The workout test is not a formal IQ test, and the results you get from it cannot give you a meaningful estimate of your current IQ. It’s just designed as a bit of a primer to help people feel more comfortable taking IQ-style tests and questions.

150 DPI vs. 300 DPI vs. 600 DPI vs. 1200 DPI

150 Vs. 300 Vs. 600 Vs 1200: DPI Differences? (All the Info)

DPI is a common measurement for printers, scanners, and computer mice. In the world of printers and scanners, higher DPI correlates with better image quality, and printers and scanners usually range between 300 and 4800 DPI. With a mouse, a higher DPI increases sensitivity, and mice range from 100 to 18,000 DPI.

24 FPS Good for Movies Not for Gaming: Why?

24 FPS Good for Movies Not for Gaming: Why? (All the Info)

Movies stick to 24 FPS (which actually plays back at 48 FPS) because it’s what viewers expect. Faster frame rates look more like news or sports in appearance, and it tends to disrupt the movie experience. Meanwhile, when playing games, higher frame rates provide more information and better response times to the player.

Bad Seven Deadly Sins Animation: Why & When?

Bad Seven Deadly Sins Animation: Why and When? (All Info)

There is some disagreement on the numerical naming system for different seasons of the show, but Seven Deadly Sins animation quality changed with the release of “Wrath of the Gods” in 2019. This was when Studio Dean took over production from A-1 Pictures.
The studio change is the reason for the quality decline.

FPS in Movies: 24 vs. 30 vs. 48 vs. 60 vs. 120 FPS?

24 vs. 30 vs. 48 vs. 60 vs. 120: FPS Differences in Movies?

In movies, higher frame rates lead to smoother playback, so higher numbers tend to look better. That said, 60 FPS has been the standard for playback speeds for more than 30 years, and it’s probably what looks most comfortable to viewers. Very high recording speeds are what allow for slow-motion sequences.

Lithium-Ion Batteries: Safe Temperatures?

Lithium-Ion Batteries: Safe Temperatures? (All the Info)

Safe storage temperatures range from 32℉ (0℃) to 104℉ (40℃). Meanwhile, safe charging temperatures are similar but slightly different, ranging from 32℉ (0℃) to 113℉ (45℃). While those are safe ambient air temperatures, the internal temperature of a lithium-ion battery is safe at ranges from -4℉ (-20℃) to 140℉ (60℃).

No Place Like Meaning?

No Place Like Meaning? (All the Info)

Most directly, the phrase is supposed to be read as, “There’s no place like home.”
This is a reference to IP naming conventions and the localhost (also known as the home network), which is typically given the default address of
It’s basically a pun that plays into this basic bit of networking knowledge.

Akatsuki Capturing Tailed Beasts: Members and Order?

Akatsuki Capturing Tailed Beasts: Members and Order?

Kakuzu, Hidan, Didara, Sasori, Tobi, Kisame, and Pain all captured tailed-beasts. The order of capture was five tails, seven tails, one tail, two tails, three tails, four tails, and then six tails. Arguably, Obito and Madara were leaders of the organization when they captured the eight and nine tails.

LinkedIn Not Showing Salaries: Why?

LinkedIn Not Showing Salaries: Why? (Everything to Know)

Here’s why LinkedIn doesn’t show salaries: LinkedIn hides salary information by default as a matter of protecting individual users’ privacy. The site does allow recruiters to post salary range data for job openings, but even then, many job openings do not include salary information. There are many reasons why, but LinkedIn tries not to force … Read more

Data Scientist Monitors: One Big and/or Two Small Monitors?

One Big and Two Small Monitors for Data Scientists: Better?

Here’s everything about data scientists using one big monitor and/or two small monitors: If you have the space for it, this can be a highly effective setup that gives you a lot of freedom to organize information and digital tools in ways that improve your efficiency and efficacy. Alternatively, you could use only two monitors, … Read more

Buying WinRAR: Necessary?

Buying WinRAR: Necessary? (Everything to Know)

Here’s everything about buying WinRAR: You can get WinRAR for free, completely legally, and the free version is perfectly identical to the paid version. Paying is only really necessary if you want to use the software for commercial purposes. Because WinRAR doesn’t push people to buy the software, most use it for free, and it’s … Read more

Zilog Z80 vs. MOS 6502 vs. Intel 8080: Best?

Zilog Z80 vs. MOS 6502 vs. Intel 8080: Best? (All the Info)

In terms of raw performance, the Zilog Z80 was clearly the most powerful and capable processor of the three. That said, the MOS 6502 was the most affordable, to the point where it changed the very nature of the industry. Meanwhile, the Intel 8080 built a legacy that is still influencing computers today.

.T in NumPy: Meaning?

Polygon art logo of the programming language Python.

Here’s what the .T in NumPy means: .T is the returned transposed array with its axes permuted that is used in NumPy. It is the same as calling self.transpose(). When you use .T, you must have at least 2 arrays to work with. Having only 1 array is ineffective. This is a standard matrix transpose … Read more