Google Meet Chat After Meeting: How To Access?

Accessing Google Meet Chat After Meeting: How To? (All Info)

If you use Google Chat, then the chat logs are saved to your Gmail account, and you can review them there. If you don’t use Google Chat, the meeting host can save the whole meeting and review the chats at will. You can also record the meeting or save the chat files with a third-party app.

Seconds on Google Search: Meaning?

Seconds on a Google Search: Meaning? (Everything to Know)

The number of seconds is telling you how long it took Google to compile the list of search results that are now on your screen. Typically, this time is only a fraction of a second, showing how fast Google is. From this number, you can infer how popular a topic is, especially if you get few results from a long search.

Numbers like 69, 1337, 420 Etc? Online Number Meanings

Online Numbers Meanings: 420, 69, 1337, Etc.? (13 Numbers)

Numbers like these are also known as numerical idioms, where the specific number means something that requires unique contextual understanding. There are tons of them across the internet with some of the most common including 86, 101, 404, and 42. Each has a meaning derived from a specific background.

1980s Cell Phones and Their Modern Revival

80s Cell Phones: Still Working? (Everything to Know)

If you have a cell phone that was manufactured and sold in the 80s, it will not work anywhere in the world. These phones worked on the 1G cellular network platform, and all 1G networks around the world were discontinued. There are alternative ways to try to use an 80s cell phone, but it won’t work by default.

Fonts With Perfect Circle O: Which?

Perfect Circle for O: Which Fonts? (Everything to Know)

The most well-known fonts that have perfect circles for the letter O include Moderne Sans, Avant Garde, Futura, and Century Gothic. You can also browse font lists to find very new, sometimes custom options that will also provide perfect circles. Still, the majority of fonts don’t implement perfect circles.

Spreadsheet Apps & UTF: Which Uses Which UTF?

Spreadsheet Apps & UTF: Which Uses Which UTF? (All the Info)

The vast majority of spreadsheet apps use UTF-8, largely because it is the most popular version around the world and conforming to that avoids formatting issues. This list includes Google Sheets, Numbers, and Calc. Meanwhile, Excel does not use a UTF format by default, although it can save files in UTF-8.

Equal Salary for Everyone in the World: How Much?

Equal Salary for Everyone in the World: How Much? (All Info)

Accounting for age demographics, retirement, and global economic statistics, the salary everyone would receive is $7,933.38 each year. This number assumes that stay-at-home parents also receive equal pay, so the average household income would be $15,866.76. Many assumptions are baked into these numbers.

90s Camera Quality vs. 80s & 70s: Why So Poor?

90s Poor Camera Quality vs. 80s and 70s: Why? (All the Info)

Camera quality from the 90s does not always look poor when compared to the 80s and 70s. That said, there are many instances where 90s images do look noticeably worse, and it mostly stems from the emergence of budget imaging technology. 90s images were all over the place, both better and worse than the 80s and 70s.

9 to 5 Becoming 9 to 6: Why and When?

9 to 5 Becoming 9 to 6: Why and When? (All the Info)

Arguably, 9 to 5 didn’t become 9 to 6, at least not completely. But, 9 to 6 has grown as a popular work schedule, and the primary reason for that is to provide an hour of breaks, including lunch, without reducing productivity. This largely started in 1999 when California passed a new law requiring lunch breaks at work.

Man Of Steel’s “A Good Death Is Its Own Reward”: Meaning?

Man Of Steel's "A Good Death Is Its Own Reward": Meaning?

There are a few possibilities, but it seems like Faora says the line to Hardy as a means of conveying respect to him for his courage. He says the line to her partially as a taunt and partially as a mantra to find the courage for what he needs to do. He might also be showing her respect in that moment.

Database Drivers: How Do They Work?

Database Drivers: How Do They Work?

Database drivers are essentially bits of software that allow apps (like Excel) to communicate with databases. Since the apps and the databases use entirely different communication methods, a translator is needed, and that’s what the drivers do. They do this with specific APIs that focus on rules rather than language.

Getting No Likes on Instagram? Here’s Why And How to Get More

Many Instagram Follower, Few Likes & Comments: Why?

This happens because the account has low levels of engagement from its user base. This can happen when the user base is largely made of bot accounts, when the account owner doesn’t post often, or for a large number of other reasons. It boils down to a disconnect between getting followers and engaging with them.

Not on Social Media: Missing Out?

Not on Social Media: Missing Out? (Everything to Know)

If you aren’t on social media, you can miss out on social interactions with people you like, ranging from small life updates to in-person events that you might really enjoy. On the other hand, you can also miss out on negative things like stress and wasted time. You can even miss out on FOMO itself.

Getting 732-873 Authentication Codes: Why?

Getting 732-873 Authentication Codes: Why? (All the Info)

This is a common number used to send official authentication codes from major tech companies like Microsoft. It is a safe phone number, and if you requested an authentication code before the text, everything is working as planned. If you didn’t request the code, then there is a problem that needs to be addressed.

Mensa Workout Test Results: Meaning?

Mensa Workout Test Results: Meaning? (Everything to Know)

Mensa workout test results don’t really mean a whole lot. The workout test is not a formal IQ test, and the results you get from it cannot give you a meaningful estimate of your current IQ. It’s just designed as a bit of a primer to help people feel more comfortable taking IQ-style tests and questions.