Here’s what digital information technology is:
Digital information technology is the study or the utilization of digital systems to store, retrieve and send information.
Computers and computer networks are commonly associated with digital information technology, but it encompasses a much wider range of technologies, including servers, TVs, and smartphones.
So if you want to learn all about what digital information technology means exactly, then you’re in the right place.
Let’s get started!
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What About Digital Information Technology?
For most people, digital information technology is synonymous with the geeky spectacle-wearing individuals with introverted lifestyles, who spend nearly 99% of their lives in front of a computer.
This perception of information technology, commonly referred to as IT, isn’t just flawed, but it also downplays the essence of this sophisticated field.
So, what is information technology and the out of information technology emerged DIGITAL information technology?—yes, there is a difference.
If you’re on the hunt for answers to that question, you’ll get more than your bargain because this right here is a breakdown of everything you’ve ever wanted to know about IT.
We’ll tell you what information technology is, what are the benefits of information technology, the difference between information technology and digital information technology, and even highlight types of information technology.
What Is Information Technology?
Information technology is the study or the utilization of systems (particularly computers) to store, retrieve and send information.
This is probably not the definition you are used to, but before you come for us, note, there’s more to IT than computers.
To you, IT may be the smartphones, tablets and iPads you use today, but information technology has been there long before these devices.
In other words, information technology meaning is any form of technology humans use to store and share information.
That means pictures carved on rocks (petroglyphs) from the pre-mechanical age, the Pascaline from the mechanical age, and morse code from the electromechanical age are all forms of IT because they’re what was used to store, retrieve, and send info then.
So who uses information technology?
It’s pretty much everyone that creates, shares, and stores information.
The main purpose of information technology is to securely store information.
What Is the History of Information Technology? (4 Ages)
Advances in IT that you witness today didn’t just happen overnight.
They’ve been made possible by the unquenchable thirst humans have for development.
All types of information technology present today are solutions we’ve created to address challenges that arose as we became more sophisticated in the treatment and manipulation of information.
For instance, Uber is a popular ridesharing app created after the founders were unable to get a cab.
It has since gone on to become a game-changer and the fuel behind numerous other transport-related solutions available today.
But again, this change didn’t happen out of the blue.
That said, here’s a brief breakdown of the four ages of information technology to help you understand and appreciate the evolution of IT.
Learn all about the complete history of information technology here.
#1 The Pre-Mechanical Age
This is the earliest and the first of the four ages of information technology.
It’s recognized as the period between 3000 B.C and 1450 A.D.
Humans would communicate through picture carvings on rocks known as petroglyphs.
But as time went by, they saw the need to develop a simplified mode of communication.
This led to the development of cuniform, the first-ever writing system which combined signs and spoken sounds.
Shortly afterward, the Phoenician alphabet system was created, and it wasn’t long till vowels were added, giving birth to the alphabet and vowels we use to date.
As alphabet became popular, people began recording more information, creating the need for better record systems.
The result? A pen-like object to write down information on wet clay, bark, and even leaves were created, and it wasn’t long before we figured out a way to create modern-day paper.
However, as paper became widespread, it created a new problem; how would they store all the information?
Clay books and scrolls were the solutions, and eventually books and libraries.
Shortly after these developments, the numbering system was developed, paving the way for the abacus and the calculator.
#2 The Mechanical Age
The mechanical age of information technology occurred between 1450 and 1840.
Looking at what it brought to the table, it’s safe to say it set the pace for modern-day advances.
In 1450, Johann Gensfleisch Gutenberg, a German goldsmith, and publisher invented a movable printing press.
This was a major IT milestone.
It opened up a world of mass learning opportunities and a floodgate of other life-altering inventions such as book indexes, files, and databases.
Other notable inventions that occurred during the mechanical age include;
- The slide rule was an analog computer developed for multiplication and division
- The Pascaline, the mechanical computer invented by Blaise Pascal
- The difference engine by Charles Babbage for polynomial equations
These inventions were mainly mechanical, which explains why it’s referred to as the mechanical age.
While they aren’t as effective as modern-day IT, they were a big deal back then and the foundation behind the technological convenience we enjoy today.
#3 The Electromechanical Age
This is recognized as the period between 1840 and 1940.
Information technology advances in this period resemble much of what we see currently.
People discovered ways to harness electricity’s power during this period, marking the transition from mechanical inventions to electromechanical ones.
People also discovered that information could be stored, retrieved, and shared via electrical impulses during this period.
Some noteworthy innovations fueled by these discoveries include:
- The voltaic battery to create and store electricity
- The telegraph for communicating over long distances
- The morse code by Samuel Morse, which broke down alphabets into dots and dashes, transformed them into electrical impulses and transmitted them over wires.
- The telephone and radio by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876
- The first electromechanical digital computer by Herman Hollerith(IBM’s founding father). This computer was later improved by Howard H. Aiken, a Ph.D. holder from Harvard University in conjunction with IBM.
#4 The Electronic Age
Now, this is the age we’re living in.
It started in 1940 after the first computer was invented by Herman and has since evolved in leaps and bounds. It’s marked by four generations of the digital computer.
The first generation of computers was between 1951 and 1958.
These were pretty cumbersome since they had vacuum tubes, punch cards, and rotating magnetic drums as the main components.
The second generation of computers was between 1959 and 1963. They used magnetic tape instead of punch cards and transistors instead of vacuum tubes.
Things also took a turn for the better as high-level computer programming languages like FORTRAN and COBOL were developed.
For the third generation of computers, which took place between 1964 and 1979, integrated circuits replaced transistors, and metal oxide semiconductor memory came into play, increasing computer processing power significantly.
These changes also saw the computer become smaller in size.
Newer, easy-to-understand programming languages like BASIC were also developed, making computer use more accessible to the masses.
The fourth computer generation began in 1979 till date.
Things have changed so much between now and then that if you told any modern-day kid there was a time we didn’t have smartphones, TV, and high-speed internet, they’d choose to believe unicorns are real.
What Is Digital Information Technology?
As noted, things have improved significantly since 1979.
We now have smaller, refined personal computers in the form of laptops and smartphones.
This brings us to our next question, what is digital information technology?
Based on these and imminent changes, digital information technology can best be defined as using computers to create, process, store, and secure electronic data.
Typically, digital IT is synonymous with computer and computer networks, but it is much broader and encompasses other modes of data distribution, storage, and networking technologies such as servers, TVs, and smartphones, among many others.
So what is the difference between information technology and digital information technology?
IT refers to any system from paintings to books that can be used to store, retrieve or share info, digital information technology is specific to computing devices and networks to do the same.
Examples of digital information technology include:
- Telephone and other equipment used for voice communication
- Voice response systems connected to computer databases and applications
- PCs and software
- Peripherals connected to computing systems and networks to relay information
- Server hardware and software
What Are the Impacts of Digital Information Technology on the Society? (3 Ways)
Wondering how we use digital information technology everyday?
Well, the impact of digital information technology on our society can be felt in pretty much every dimension.
Discussed below are the various ways digital IT has been a game-changer in our everyday lives:
#1 Education
Although education is considered the key to professional and personal growth, not everyone can access quality learning opportunities.
But digital information is slowly changing the script for the better.
For instance, the introduction of schools without boundaries, free online learning programs, and virtual books mean any student, regardless of their background, can enroll in a reputable learning facility and access quality learning resources as long as they have access to the internet.
Students can also attend and participate in virtual seminars and contests if their schools don’t have enough resources to sponsor their educational field trips.
Digital IT doesn’t just make education more accessible, but it also makes things easier for educators.
For example, through digital collaboration tools, professors and other faculty members can collaborate to facilitate their students’ smooth learning experiences.
#2 Healthcare
Digital technology has also revolutionized healthcare in significant ways.
Trends like big data make it easy for medical researchers and scientists to retrieve useful insights even from unstructured data, facilitating the development of cutting-edge treatments that benefit the global population.
Thanks to digital IT, healthcare professionals can store, retrieve, and share patient data from anywhere, resulting in efficient care and improved outcomes.
Digital IT has also given rise to telehealth, a technology that allows healthcare professionals to offer their services remotely.
This has been such a game-changer, especially in areas with a shortage of medical facilities or qualified healthcare professionals.
Telehealth is also beneficial to individuals with tight schedules or patients with conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia who need constant reminders on when to take their medication or attend doctor appointments.
Digital technology in healthcare has also been of great benefit to patients.
The plethora of apps enables patients to stay on top of their health. They can monitor their symptoms, check drug dose reminders, set appointment reminders, and even access test results remotely.
#3 Social Life
Although digital technology has positive and negative impacts on social life, the positives outweigh the negatives.
Now you can stay up to tabs with your childhood friends at the tap of a button and keep your long-distance relationship alive through video calls and virtual hookups.
You can stay in touch with colleagues, even while working from home, and see how your former classmates are doing through Facebook and Instagram updates.
You can even find love through apps! All this is made possible through technology.
What a time to be alive!
What Trends Shape Digital Information Technology? (4 Trends)
Here are some of the trends currently shaping digital information technology;
#1 Automation
More devices connected to the internet mean enhanced connectivity and automation.
Thanks to the internet of things and A.I., the number of devices connected to the internet has been increasing with each wake.
Over 31 billion devices are connected to the internet, a number projected to hit 35 billion by the end of 2021 and reach 75 billion by 2025.
That means every individual will reportedly own at least four internet-connected devices by 2025.
Going by these vast figures, this might seem far-fetched, but the truth is it’s already happening. As of writing, the average adult owns at least a smartphone, a smartwatch, a computer, and a router.
So, we’re looking at a world where nearly every device and activity will be automated in a few years.
It’s predicted that automated and intelligent machines will replace about half the global workforce within the next decade.
#2 Cloud Computing
Cloud-based technologies such as software as a service(SaaS) and platform as a service(PaaS) are slowly taking center stage.
This is, however, no surprise, given their immense benefits.
For instance, through Infrastructure as a service(IaaS), companies can reap IT benefits without having to procure IT infrastructure.
Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud-based computing applications allow businesses to leverage advanced software solutions only when convenient for them.
#3 Big Data and Analytics
Big data and analytics unearth hidden patterns and essential insights from structured and unstructured data, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions, cut costs, and other beneficial decisions.
That is why it’s among the top trends shaping digital information technology today.
#4 Data Security and Privacy
There are 2.5 quintillion data bytes produced every day.
This is estimated to increase to 463 exabytes of data by 2025.
The increasing amount of data produced every day heightens the need for enhanced data security and privacy.
That is why we’re seeing more businesses invest in data security and privacy infrastructure and more data-security companies cropping up every day.
What Is the Future of Digital Information Technology? (3 Trends)
Now that you know what is digital information technology and how it evolved from basic IT to what it is now, here are some of the trends that will define digital information technology in the future.
#1 The Internet of Things
The internet of things commonly referred to as IoT, is a network of physical devices connected to the internet.
These devices can communicate over the internet at the touch of a button.
In layman’s language, IoT is anything connected to the internet, from smart alarm systems, and motion sensors to sophisticated smartphones.
IoT will be the future of digital information because almost anything from a child’s toy to something as serious as driving can be connected to the internet.
As of writing, we’re already living in a world of smart self-driving cars and drone deliveries.
As we advance into the future, IoT is set to take center stage in digital IT, as more individuals are finally opening up to the idea of automation.
#2 Virtual and Augmented Reality
Virtual and augmented reality technologies were already a thing before Covid-19.
With social distancing and other Covid-19 safety measures limiting physical interactions, virtual and augmented reality technologies are already taking over and changing the world as we know it.
For instance, online shoppers can now try out cloth products from virtual fitting rooms.
In healthcare, VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Argumented Reality) applications enable medical personnel to diagnose and even make treatment plans remotely.
In a nutshell, you’ll be seeing more virtual reality and augmented reality in even more sectors in the future.
#3 Blockchain
The popularity of blockchain technology began with a cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin.
Although the hype has subsided, blockchain technologies are also among the trends that will define digital information technology in the future.
That is because the technology can be used to do more than just trade crypto.
For instance, it can be used to securely store and retrieve patient records, supply chain management, smart contract claim management in the insurance industry, and even fraud prevention in real estate.
Other trends set to define the future of digital information technology include:
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Biometrics
- 3D Printing
- Robotics (Learn all about the history of robots here)
What Are the Implications of Digital Information in Business?
The benefits of digital information technology are far-reaching.
As you have seen above, it impacts every facet of our lives, and business is no exception.
But the implications of digital information in business are so profound.
They branch out into a whole new subset called business information technology.
Read on to find out what is business information technology, the benefits, various types, and even challenges that hinder enterprises from adopting these technologies.
What Is Business Information Technology?
Business information technology is a subset of digital information technology that focuses specifically on business.
It enables enterprises in all industries to automate their processes and systems, with the sole goal of reducing wastage and inefficiency to achieve their revenue goals.
In other words, business information technology is a component of digital IT that allows businesses across the board to embrace automation with the sole goal of value creation.
It bridges the gap between complex computing systems and efficient business practices.
As a result, businesses can increase employee engagement and flexibility in responding to challenges and changes, enhancing customer service and profitability.
What is the difference between digital information technology and business information technology?
Business information technology is an entire digital IT subset on its own.
Unlike other components of digital information technology, it is directly related to value creation.
What Are the Benefits of Business Information Technology? (9 Benefits)
Now that you know what is business information technology and why it is an independent facet of digital information technology, here are some of the benefits it will accrue to your business;
#1 Enhances Communication and Collaboration
Effective communication is critical to the success and growth of every business, regardless of size.
It improves employee engagement, enhances knowledge-sharing efforts and employee advocacy, boosts customer satisfaction, and even reduces employee turnover.
Now businesses can enjoy all the benefits listed since business information technology significantly streamlines internal and external enterprise communication.
Thanks to BIT (Business Information Technology), employees can easily connect to discuss vital business issues and goals.
For instance, if a problem comes up while they are on holiday, employees do not have to break their holiday and return to the office.
They can hold virtual meetings to discuss the problem, come up with a solution, and get things back on track within a short while.
Note, communication is critical not just internally but externally as well.
Clients want to work with a company that can hear them out whenever the need arises and offers them multiple avenues of communication.
Business information technology enables enterprises to meet this demand.
Through tools like voice over the internet, skype conference calls, and chat services, clients can reach out to your business through the most convenient platform for them.
Employees are also able to connect with not only each other but clients as well.
#2 Boosts Productivity and Business Efficiency
Business information technology allows enterprises to automate general routine tasks.
This leaves employees with more time to focus on other critical tasks and complete them perfectly and efficiently.
For instance, when done manually, spreadsheet maintenance is not just exhausting, but it also takes up a lot of time.
Yet, it has to be done every day to ensure proper accounting management.
When such a task is automated, your business enjoys improved data accuracy, and your accounting team gets more time to focus on revenue-generating tasks.
The result is improved productivity and increased returns on revenue.
Thanks to business technology, teams can collaborate on projects virtually, which speeds up completion and enables an enterprise to meet its goals effectively.
#3 Improves Customer Satisfaction
The key to becoming the ultimate stop shop for customers is meeting and surpassing their expectations. This wasn’t always possible in the past because it was challenging to identify what a client wants.
Fast forward to this age of business information technology; you can do so seamlessly thanks to tools like big data.
For instance, through big data analytics, you can analyze customer data to identify what exactly your customers are looking for and when they need it.
Using these insights, you can then tailor your services to offer them personalized experiences.
This, in turn, increases clientele satisfaction and retention, which means more growth on your end.
#4 Successful Marketing Campaigns
Modern business information technology trends like big data allow you to identify who your customers are, what they need, and when they need it.
With this information, your marketing team can then develop focused, targeted marketing campaigns that bear positive results.
#5 Enables Businesses to Maximize Opportunities While Minimizing Risks
To succeed in business, you must be willing to take risks.
You must be open to going where no one else would dare.
However, not every risk is worth taking.
Some risks are, in fact, setups that will instantly cripple your business.
But the good news is that thanks to business technology, you no longer have to take risks blindly.
Through big data, you can identify the potential risks that an opportunity holds and, based on the patterns and correlations, predict whether it’s worth taking the plunge.
Based on this data, you can also come up with the ideal risk management solution, which means you’ll no longer have to forego profitable opportunities because they’re risky.
The result?
Your enterprise gets to thrive even in a high-risk environment.
#6 Offers Exposure
In the past, getting exposure meant a business had to spend hundreds of dollars on marketing itself through platforms such as TV, radio, or billboards.
Thanks to evolving business information technology, any business, regardless of size, can reach potential customers without spending too much.
For instance, websites, social media, and blogs enable you to reach a wider audience without breaking the bank.
#7 Cost Reduction
Cutting costs is the key to increasing returns on revenue.
With business technology tools, an enterprise can keep costs low and enjoy enhanced economic efficiency.
For instance, by automating everyday tasks, your business can significantly reduce staffing costs since one employee can now complete roles that previously required multiple heads.
With cloud-based business technologies like software as a service and Infrastructure as a Service, businesses no longer need to invest in whole IT teams since they can get the solutions they need on a subscription basis.
As noted earlier, businesses can also identify and focus their marketing efforts on the right customers through big data.
This eliminates the time and resource wastage on one-off and non-customers or on marketing campaigns that don’t yield results.
Travel and hotel accommodation costs while traveling for business meetings and conferences can push to the four digits.
But now, thanks to tools like teleconferencing and video conferencing, you can cut these costs.
#8 Enables Businesses to Get the Right Talent
Employees are the thin line between the success and failure of a business.
You may have life-changing ideas, but you need skilled and talented employees to help you implement them.
When it comes to business information technology, an enterprise might implement the most innovative technologies, but it’ll be a waste of time without a self-driven to maximize these tools.
The good news is that although great talent is hard to find, business information technology can help human resources teams identify the right talent.
Companies can deploy candidate screening systems that allow them to automate their recruitment processes and automatically eliminate candidates who don’t fit their profile.
For instance, a business can implement a simple test for potential candidates, requiring them to answer a set of prerecorded questions related to their work experience before their physical interview.
Based on these answers, the H.R. team can identify the best candidates for the job and contact them later.
This eliminates time wastage as they no longer have to waste time interviewing applicants who don’t even fit your company’s profile.
#9 Offers a Competitive Advantage
The modern-day customer prefers businesses that are up-to-date with the latest technologies.
When they buy your goods and services, they expect you to have integrated a cashless system so they can make payments with their credit card or smartphone.
They also want to see you on social media, and when they contact you online, they expect swift responses.
If they buy your products or services through an online storefront, they expect a smooth sailing checkout process, as well as quick and efficient deliveries.
You can only meet these expectations if you deploy the right business information technology tools.
If you are yet to do so, then they’ll automatically turn to your competitor who already has these systems in place.
Deploying the right tools hence offers you a competitive advantage over your competitors who are still slacking technology-wise.
What Are Types of Business Technology? (6 Types)
While there’s a lot that goes into becoming a fully digitized enterprise, here are some basic types of business technology that every business needs in this modern landscape:
#1 Computers
A business cannot survive in this modern age without computers.
Employees need it to write and read business-related emails, design presentations, share and store documents as well as collaborate on projects.
This can only be done efficiently and productively through computers such as laptops and desktop PCs.
#2 Telephone Communication
Telephones are permanently ingrained into the business landscape today and the general society.
A business cannot operate without one because phone calls are the easiest way for consumers to reach an enterprise.
Telephone communication provides a fast, efficient, and more engaging channel for businesses to interact with clients and their employees.
Like everything else, telephone communication slowly transitions from traditional to digital thanks to innovative business technologies like voice-over internet protocol(VOIP).
#3 Task Management Tools
Task management tools and software are part of business information technology because they automate tasks and are cost-effective.
For instance, tools like Trello enable businesses to manage project progress digitally and to-do list.
Collaborative tools like Microsoft teams allow employees to collaborate with their colleagues on projects, and each employee can identify their role.
As a result, projects are completed on time, goals are met, and customers are satisfied.
This makes task management systems a crucial part of the business information technology ecosystem.
#4 Customer Relationship Management Systems
Customer relationship management systems, commonly referred to as CRM, are slowly becoming an incredibly critical part of business technology.
But this is no surprise as this system dramatically benefits the business.
Why? Well, a CRM is a system that enables businesses to track the customer’s journey from the moment they contact an enterprise to the moment they buy a good or service.
CRM systems often feature tools such as contact management, scheduling and reminders, reporting and analytics, and funnel monitoring, among many others.
These tools and more enable an enterprise to foster lasting relationships with each client since the data collected during each customer’s interaction can tailor personalized experiences for that customer in the future and create a similar experience for other clients.
#5 Social Media Scheduling Tools
We are already living in an age where people spend the majority of their free time on social media.
For instance, in 2018, the average Joe spent about 142 minutes on social media.
This increased by two and a half hours in 2019 and three in 2020.
For businesses to deliver utterly personalized customer experiences, they need to find customers where they are, and that often means establishing a social media presence.
To achieve this without wasting too much time, businesses need social media scheduling tools.
These tools allow them to schedule posts even a month in advance and send them appropriately.
With the increasing use of social media, it shouldn’t be surprising that these tools are becoming imprinted in business technology.
#6 Inventory Control Systems
An inventory control system allows enterprises to keep track of every item they buy or sell digitally.
When new inventory items arrive, it’s updated to track when the additions were made and sold.
As a result, the business can ensure it never runs out of or orders excess stock.
It also prevents wastage and theft and enables businesses to determine when they need to perform a stock take and review finances.
Inventory control systems are an essential part of business technology and are especially popular in supply chain management.
What Are Tips for Choosing the Right Business Information Technology Solutions for Your Business? (4 Tips)
Business information technology has the potential to propel your enterprise to greater heights. However, that does not mean that every upcoming hardware or software is ideal for your entity.
Here is a short list of some tips to keep in mind while you select business IT solutions for your enterprise:
#1 Evaluate Your Business Needs
There are plenty of innovative business technology solutions today, but that doesn’t mean you need all of them.
So before you invest in hardware or software for your enterprise, take the time to evaluate your business requirements.
For example, review your business operations to identify the most repetitive task or the most time-consuming roles.
Then check out your options, and identify the best solution.
Ask yourself questions like, what will be the impact of this hardware or software on this task?
Is this a long-lasting solution, or will we use it for a while and have to ditch it?
While at it, make sure you research how it’s going to affect your team.
For instance, ask your employees their expectations and consider whether they have the expertise to use the potential solution.
This is particularly critical because no matter how efficient a solution might be, it will do your organization no good if your team doesn’t have the skills to use it or if it takes time for them to master how it is used.
In other words, identify your pain points so you can figure out the ideal solutions for your business.
#2 Scalability
You want a solution that addresses your pain points, but you also want one you can use for the long term. So once you evaluate your needs, make sure the solution you opt for is scalable.
Consider your short and long-term goals so you can invest in a business information technology solution that grows with you.
Keep in mind that just as your needs change when your business expands, so does business information technology.
In that light, while assessing scalability, check trends of the potential solutions to determine whether that hardware or software you plan on investing in will be relevant five years down the line.
If not, you are better off finding another solution.
#3 Integration and Security
A business technology solution might be perfect for your business, but its integration into your system means disintegrating all your existing tech and software first.
If this is the case, then you should check out other possible solutions that might be less expensive.
That said while reviewing hardware or software business technology solutions, ensure they’re compatible with your current solutions.
If they are, ask the provider whether they’ll help with integration and the level of customer support they offer.
The last thing you want is to end up paying for hardware or software installation when you’ve already paid for its acquisition or lack customer support in the future when you need it.
While doing so, remember that every business, whether small or large is subject to cyber-attacks.
So whichever software or hardware you decide to go with, check out how secure it will be. If it makes your system vulnerable, you are better off with other options.
#4 Have a Backup Plan
Even the best, most efficient forms of business information technology fail.
When they do, customer support from the provider always comes in handy.
But before the issue is resolved, will your business operations come to a standstill?
If so, then you need a backup plan.
So while selecting a business IT solution, consider the consequence of disruption and develop an efficient recovery solution.
What Are the Top Challenges Businesses Face in Adopting Business Information Technology Solutions? (2 Things)
Some of the reasons why most businesses are yet to tap the immense potential of business information technology are:
#1 Budgetary Constraints
Technology is expensive, which is one of the main reasons most businesses choose to forego innovative business information technology solutions.
For example, an advanced Apple computer might be fast and may boast innovative features, but the dent it leaves in an entity’s budget is too big to be recovered.
That recent collaboration tool from software might be all a business needs to revolutionize its operations completely, but if it costs an arm and a leg, the management will have no choice but to forego it.
Note, some solutions might have low initial installation costs but require continuous updates and additional implementations along the way, which means they end up costing more in the long run.
#2 Fear of the Unknown
Even though change is inevitable, that does not mean everyone accepts it warmly.
When employees are used to a particular way of doing things, they will naturally resist anything that interferes with this process.
Another significant challenge that businesses have to overcome while adopting new technology is the fear of the unknown.
It takes time for employees to get used to the new routine, which, unfortunately, may affect productivity.
To facilitate a smooth sailing implementation process, businesses should implement change management strategies before introducing foreign business information technology solutions.
While carrying out change management, it pays to keep in mind that the change won’t come overnight.
Don’t tell your employees you’ll be introducing a new business IT solution and implementing it the next week.
Instead, inform them of how it will affect their roles and, if possible, invest in training so that when you finally deploy the solution, it will be less intimidating since they already know how to use it.
Also note, your company will not change.
It’s your employees who change their attitude towards a particular solution, which happens one person at a time.
So, you must be patient with each employee on your team because we all respond to changes differently.
Why Is Exploring Business Information Technology Important?
Digital information technology is the bread and butter of modern-day businesses.
With the proliferation of business technology solutions with the potential to overcome time and space hurdles, it’s safe to say we are already living in the future.
So much has happened over the past two decades, and even though we don’t have flying cars like we thought we’d do by now, we have to appreciate that information technology has come a long way and be glad we’re part of the revolution.
Besides, we are heading towards the fifth generation of computers.
Nobody knows what that has in store, which means flying cars and trains might still be a possibility.
We should be open-minded to the forthcoming changes because IT is slowly transforming the world for the better.