Here’s everything about sending emails from work to personal email:
Generally speaking, it is not ok to send messages from work email to personal email accounts.
This can violate company policies and even federal information protection laws.
Some companies won’t care if you do this, but when it is prohibited, it could get you fired, sued, and even prosecuted.
So if you want to learn all about the aptness of sending emails from work to personal inbox, then this article is for you.
Let’s get right into it!
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Is It Okay to Send Messages From Work Email to Personal Email? (4 Things)
Ultimately, this depends on where you work, what you’re sending, how your boss feels about it, and all of the specific circumstances around the email.
As a general rule, you should not do this unless you know with absolute certainty that it’s ok.
We’ll get into the powerful reasons why a little later, but proceed with caution.
Even the most harmless-seeming email sent from your work account to a personal account could end with dire consequences, including losing your job, being sued, and in extreme cases, criminal prosecution.
I’m not exaggerating.
But, if it’s fine with your place of business, then that settles it.
What this really means is that we have to dive a little deeper into the different factors involved.
#1 Who Runs the Work Email
This is the first and most important question.
There are two kinds of work emails: those provided by your employer and those you set up yourself.
If you work for a small business, there’s a chance that they don’t have their own email client or provider, and they might not even provide an email address to you.
In such a case, you might create a new email account, just for work, so it’s easier to keep things organized.
If that describes your work situation, then you can send messages from your work email to your personal email.
In fact, your work email is technically a personal email already.
If the company doesn’t own or manage the email account, then you have a lot of freedom.
This is not the common case for most people, though.
For most of you reading this, you probably have an email address that was given to you by your employer.
If that’s the case, this section doesn’t apply to you.
#2 What the Company Policy Is
Let’s move on with something universal.
If you have a work email, then you probably have a company policy around the management of that email.
Even if it isn’t expressly written, you can probably ask your management whether or not it’s ok to send stuff from your work email to your personal email, and they’ll tell you.
Better yet, if there is a written policy, you can read it.
Whatever the policy dictates is your answer.
We’ll talk about this more later, but violating policy often comes with consequences that can range from the proverbial slap on the wrist to life-changing fallout.
#3 What Your Immediate Boss Says
Here’s where this topic gets complicated.
Even if you have a clear company policy, there are exceptions that come up.
Ultimately, you are managed by your immediate supervisor or boss, and how they choose to manage you is kind of up to them.
The flexibility in management will definitely depend on where you work, but for the most part, the person in charge of you is the one who makes this decision.
If they tell you not to send work emails to your personal account, then you probably shouldn’t, regardless of policy.
If they say it’s fine in contradiction of policy, then you have to read the situation.
If you’re really not sure what to do, you can reach out to HR or go over your boss’s head to get a clear answer.
You can ask your peers.
It’s so situationally dependent that there isn’t a universal answer, but here’s what’s at stake.
If the policy is strictly enforced by the higher-ups, then your boss might not be able to protect you even though they said it was ok to send these emails.
If it’s just a loose policy that no one cares about, then your boss really does have discretion.
But as I keep saying, violating policy can come with negative outcomes.
#4 Why You’re Sending the Email
This is as important as anything else.
The content of the email and the reason you are sending it matter a lot.
For the most part, policies that prevent you from sending emails in this way are designed to protect important secrets.
Whether your company is pursuing a patent, you work with government secrets, or they’re just worried about competitors learning the secret to their doughnut recipe, the idea is to protect information.
If you send an email from your work account to a personal account you share with your significant other, reminding them to pick the kids up from practice, then you’re not exactly giving up secrets.
There’s probably a better way to send this message that doesn’t put you at risk, but there’s a fair chance you’ll just get a reprimand for something like this.
If you send yourself patent-pending CAD designs so you can sell them to a competing company, you’re putting your career and livelihood at risk.
Obviously, there’s a lot of room in between these extremes, but that’s kind of the point.
If your email contains privileged information, then it probably shouldn’t go to a personal email, unless you have express permission.
Why Shouldn’t You Send Messages From Your Work Email to Your Personal Email? (3 Reasons)
So far, I’ve really been talking about how to navigate policy and workplace policy.
Those are tips to find out whether or not it’s ok to send the email.
There’s more to this conversation.
Let’s assume that your policy is against sending emails from your work account to a personal account.
In that case, what happens if you get caught doing it?
#1 Company Policy (Again)
For starters, this comes back to company policy.
A fleshed-out policy will explain how reprimands work.
You’ll know the stakes before you ever send the email.
There may be a warning process, in which case a single infraction isn’t that much to worry about.
But if the secrets are really important, then even a first offense could be direr.
It’s possible that you could be fired for sending a single email, depending on your company’s policy and the nature of the email.
So, even in the best cases, the consequences can be dire.
In the next two sections, you’ll see that getting fired is hardly the end of possibilities.
#2 Corporate Secrets
As I keep saying, the whole point behind these policies is protecting company secrets.
So, let’s say you’re an engineer working on a new project.
It’s not copyrighted or patented yet, so if a competitor got a hold of it, it could be a huge problem.
You want to catch up on some work at home over the weekend.
You can’t access your company resources at home, so you email yourself some files that will let you work at home.
This is very likely a huge no-no.
You’re taking sensitive information out of the protection of the company network.
Even though you have a wholesome goal, and even if no secrets are leaked, this is probably a violation of the rules.
Even in this limited example, it’s possible that you could be fired.
More than that, the company might have grounds to sue you.
They could potentially ruin you financially for mishandling important documents.
And, even if you aren’t an engineer working on big secrets, every company has sensitive information.
That could include contact information of other employees, financial information for clients or customers, and other normal stuff, like payroll.
If you mishandle sensitive information, you could be civilly liable.
#3 Security Clearance
Here’s where things get even more serious.
If you work for the government or as a government contractor, then you might handle information that is covered by security clearance and related protocols.
Breaking those protocols—which could involve sending an email from work to personal—could end worse than you being fired or sued.
The action might be illegal, and you could quite seriously spend time in prison over it.
If you handle government secrets, they’re never allowed on any of your personal accounts or devices, unless those are cleared by security experts.
It’s not worth taking the risk.
Can Your Workplace Trace Your Work Email? (3 Ways)
Theoretically, yes.
There are definitely ways for your employer to know if you send an email from your work account to a personal account.
Just because it’s possible doesn’t mean it will happen.
They need the right resources in place, and they have to pay attention.
So, whether or not they’ll actually know is very difficult to say.
If you know how they can track your email, it can help you think about whether or not this is a good idea.
#1 Managed Email
The big thing is that if your employer provides you with an email address, then it’s an account that they actually control.
If the email ends with the company name (instead of, for instance), then it means they have control over the server that runs the email.
That’s a big deal.
Basically, they can implement software tools that would allow them to see every single email that comes and goes from the server.
They can also set that system up to flag them when emails are sent to certain email accounts.
This comes up against the idea of black listing and white listing.
With a black list, the software would create an alert if an email was sent to any email on a preset list.
So, if they already know your personal email account, they could put it on the blacklist, and then they’ll definitely know.
The other possibility is to use a white list.
In this case, they will get an alert whenever an email is sent to anyone who is not on the list.
In this case, they would add clients and employees to the white list, but they wouldn’t add your personal email.
So, when you send the email, they’ll still get the notification.
There are other ways to go about monitoring emails, but the point that really matters here is that it’s entirely possible for your employer to know everyone you send an email.
On top of all of that, if they control the account, they can simply log into your email at their discretion and see what you’ve been doing.
There is an abundance of ways to monitor email accounts.
#2 Central Login Server
Then again, they don’t have to monitor your email at all.
They can monitor all of your computer activity.
A central login server is a way to organize workplace computers to make things a little easier and cheaper to manage.
When you have this kind of setup, you will sit down at your computer and log in with your own account before you can do anything.
But because it’s run through the central server, you could also log in at a different computer at work, and you would have access to all of your stuff.
This is because the server really handles everything; the individual computers are just ways to access the server.
Why does this matter?
If your workplace uses a central login server, then they can see all of your computer activity, including how you use your email.
It’s very easy to monitor, and in such a setting, you should assume that everything you do is monitored.
It’s like I said before.
Just because they can do it doesn’t mean that they will monitor everything, but it’s definitely possible, and you won’t really be able to know what is and isn’t monitored.
#3 Dedicated IT Staff
Even when the other two cases don’t apply, a dedicated IT staff can monitor your activity, and they have a few ways to do this.
First, they can install software on work devices that will allow them to see anything and everything you do with that device.
Second, they can monitor the network itself.
This is trickier and more complicated, but it’s possible to use software to check the whole network similar to how an email server can flag traffic.
I’ll skip the technical terminology, but the gist is that any traffic through a network is ultimately traceable.
It’s a lot of work, but if monitoring outgoing emails is important enough, it definitely can be done.
What Does Sending Messages From Work to Personal Email Have to Do With Whistleblowing?
Let’s recap a few things.
For starters, it’s definitely possible for your company to know when you send an email that you shouldn’t.
On top of that, policies and regulations can come into play and potentially upend your whole life.
What if those risks are worth it?
What if they’re necessary?
What if you need to blow the whistle on something truly important?
Those questions are not easily answered, but in the case of whistleblowing, there are resources that can help you navigate very complicated situations.
For those who aren’t familiar with the term, whistleblowing is when you, as an employee, make public information about wrongdoing going on in your company.
Just as an example, if your company was dumping toxic sludge in a river that was poisoning people, you could notify authorities and/or journalists about that activity in order to try to rectify the situation.
Your actions in that case would count as whistleblowing.
Whistleblowing is a pretty big topic—too big to cover it all here—so instead I’ll leave you with some resources.
In general, even as a whistleblower, you would be at risk if you sent sensitive information to your own personal email account, so tread lightly.
Start with these government resources and read carefully.
Ultimately, there is a way forward, but you’re in a tricky situation for sure.
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- CC, BCC, Reply All: Email Etiquette?
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