NordVPN Is the Best VPN: Why?

Here’s why we recommend NordVPN:

NordVPN is competitive on several fronts:

  • More available servers than the majority of VPN providers
  • Expanded security
  • Very fast VPN connections
  • Advanced features that are not common among VPN providers
  • NO-LOGS POLICY (so important!)

NordVPN is the best because it offers a complete package for a low price.


So if you want to learn all about why you should use NordVPN, then you’re in the right place.

Let’s get started!

NordVPN comparison.
*Overall network performance according to research by AV-Test. You can read the full report. Date of comparison: February 17, 2021.


Are You Associated With NordVPN?


If you follow our recommendation, we earn a commission.

However, this isn’t why we consider NordVPN to be the best VPN. 

Almost every other VPN service offers a commission, as well.

Having used NordVPN for years and tried all other major VPNs before we settled on NordVPN, we simply know it is the best and therefore recommend it.

Furthermore, facts don’t lie. See for yourself below.

If you want to skip the why for getting NordVPN and immediately get your 66% off, here you go:


What Makes One VPN Better Than Another? (4 Points)

When you’re comparing VPN service providers, there are a few things you’ll want to consider. 

Obviously, you need persistent access to the VPN, but that’s pretty standard.

You also want something affordable. 

Beyond that, there are a few aspects of the VPN service that might be less obvious, but they are definitely important to compare.

Those include data speeds, ease of use, total security, and additional features.

#1 Data Speeds

You might think that security comes first with a VPN, but that’s not really the case. 

Any secure tunnel connection is going to offer a massive boost to privacy and security on the internet. 

On top of that, most VPNs are using the same technology to provide security. 

What really separates any service from another is the speed.

You want a VPN service that doesn’t grind your internet activity to a halt. 

What good is security if you effectively lose the ability to enjoy the internet? 

Speed is always a top priority.

#2 Ease of Use

It also helps to have a VPN that is easy to use. 

If you have to write a hundred lines of unique code just to connect to your VPN server, the lack of accessibility is going to prevent you from taking advantage of what the VPN can do.

Obviously, that’s a hyperbolic example, but the point remains. 

You want a VPN that is easy to use so that you will use it more. 

Otherwise, you’re paying for something that doesn’t do any good. That’s what gym memberships are for.

#3 Total Security

You just read that all VPNs use the same security, but that’s only half the store. 

Encrypted tunneling can only be done in a handful of ways, so in that respect, all VPNs are kind of the same.

But, when you’re paying for a professional VPN service, you can get more than just a secure tunnel. 

You can get additional security features, and those are nice. 

A great VPN might offer protection from ads and malware. It might include access to identity theft protection.

Perhaps more importantly, the VPN should be taking extra care to secure your personal information. 

Two-step authorization and expanded security on their systems are both important to reduce the risk of having your account or personal information stolen.

Consider security options beyond the VPN tunnel for the best possible experience.

#4 Features

The various features offered by any given VPN service will help to distinguish it from the rest. There is no perfect set of features. 

Instead, it’s better to compare features that are unique (or at least uncommon) among VPN providers.

To help evaluate features, here are a few that are not as unique as they sound:

  • Static IPs
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Multiple device support
  • Low buffer times
  • Ad blocking
  • Browser extensions
  • 24/7 support

While all of those features can be useful to many users, they are common among competitive VPN service providers.

What Makes NordVPN Special?

Instead, we can look at a few features that really distinguish NordVPN from the pack. 

While the services below are not necessarily unique to NordVPN, they are less common. 

The no-logs policy is especially important when it comes to privacy, even if a few other service providers share the philosophy.

Overall, when comparing these specific features with other VPN services and comparing overall performance vs. price, the conclusion makes itself. 

NordVPN is the best because, as a total package, it offers more for less money.

#1 No-Logs Policy

The no-logs policy is the most important NordVPN feature that we can discuss. 

NordVPN does not log your internet activity that is done while connected to one of their servers. This is an iron policy. 

The NordVPN systems are not even capable of filing such logs.

Why does this matter?

It does a couple of things. First, it helps to protect your privacy in general. 

No one at NordVPN can go through your logs to see what you’ve been up to. 

They also can’t sell logs of your activity to tech companies or anyone else who might be interested. It’s all impossible because the log files don’t exist.

Second, this protects you in the case of a data breach. While NordVPN takes measures to prevent any type of breach, no tech company is truly immune, and breaches are practically inevitable. 

If such a breach were to happen at NordVPN, there’s not much information tied to you. 

Since log files were never created, the data breach wouldn’t be able to compromise you according to your internet activity. It’s better blanket protection.

#2 Many Servers

One way to gauge VPNs is by the number of servers that are available. 

Having access to more servers in more locations gives you more power and freedom in how you use the VPN. 

If you want to unlock content in another country, that will only work if you can connect to a server in that country.

On the other hand, if you want the fastest experience, you need to be able to connect to servers that are conveniently located. It’s a give and take, and the best solution is to have more servers available.

NordVPN has more than 5,200 servers spread across 60 countries. 

Very few VPN service providers exist on this scale. Among those, none match the rest of what NordVPN has to offer.

#3 Kill Switch

A kill switch is another feature that is important but not quite unique. 

The most competitive VPN providers have this feature, but it’s not exactly standard amongst all of the VPNs out there. 

If internet privacy is your primary concern, a kill switch (or comparable feature) is incredibly important.

Here’s how it works.

When you’re using your VPN, it’s possible for the connection to the VPN to drop from time to time. 

Dropped connections are just part of how the internet works. But, a connection drop to the VPN doesn’t necessarily mean that you have lost internet access on your device. 

So, while the VPN is dropped, your internet activity will continue. You just won’t have the protection of the VPN.

A kill switch is designed to stop all of your internet activity if the VPN connection drops. 

The kill switch software actively monitors your connection to the VPN, so if it ever fails, your internet connectivity on the device is halted. This prevents accidental naked internet use.

Keep in mind that most drops are very fast. 

The kill switch prevents you from sending any unprotected packets across the internet, and then it can re-establish your connection without you even knowing there was a problem.

If there’s an extended VPN outage for any reason, you can toggle the kill switch on or off at your own discretion. 

That means you can still use the internet as you see fit. The kill switch is just there so that you don’t unwittingly transmit unprotected data.

#4 Split Tunneling

Split tunneling will probably be standard in a few years, but for now, it’s a leading-edge feature and only available with some of the most competitive service providers. 

Split tunneling is designed to provide all of the protection of a VPN with all of the convenience of local internet browsing.

When you browse the internet, your location determines a lot of the content that you see. 

Plenty of content is location locked. 

Beyond that, even things like Google searches try to take your location into account.

When you connect to a VPN, it can mess up internet access and features that cater to your location. 

With split tunneling, you can use the secure VPN and access local content at the same time.

Essentially, you can set rules for the split tunneling, so you can determine which activities stay local and which don’t. 

So, if you wanted to use an app to order food for delivery, you could exclude that app from the VPN tunnel so that the location services still work. Meanwhile, everything else can sit safely inside the VPN tunnel.

It’s all up to you, which allows you to customize your experience and get the most out of your VPN.