Telegram Files: Saved Where on Mac?

Telegram Files: Saved Where on Mac? (How to Delete?)

Here’s where Telegram saves files on your Mac and how to delete them: When it comes to Telegram files on your Mac, all the files will be saved in a few locations. Most are in the following location: ~/library/Group Containers/ If you want to delete things, you can move them from that folder to the … Read more

How To Destroy a Phone Without Anyone Knowing: 10 Ways

Destroying Smartphone Internally Without Breaking: 10 Ways

If you’ve ever wondered how to destroy a phone without anyone knowing, you’re not alone. Whether you’re looking to destroy an iPhone or Android phone permanently or just want to know how to destroy a phone internally, this comprehensive guide is for you. We’ll delve into 10 foolproof methods that will leave no trace, ensuring … Read more

11-Digit, 12-Digit, or More-Digit Number Calls: Safe?

11-Digit, 12-Digit, or More-Digit Number Calls: Safe?

Here’s why you get calls from weird 11-digit, 12-digit, or even more-digit numbers: The caller is either out of the country, using a different area code, or trying to hide their real identity. If you do not recognize the number, it is most likely a spoofed number that prevents you from recognizing who is really … Read more

Online Stores: Don’t Require CVV?

Online Stores: Don't Require CVV? (Why and Which?)

Here’s everything about online stores not requiring CVV: The most prolific store that doesn’t require a CVV is Amazon. Plenty of other major online shopping sites like Walmart and Target will often forgo asking for a CVV when you check out. More generally, any online store can skip CVV confirmation whenever they want to, and … Read more

Botim: Safe to Use?

Botim: Safe to Use? (Especially Video Calls)

Here’s everything about Botim being safe to use: Most tech experts would likely agree that Botim is a relatively safe app to use.  VOIP calling is not inherently dangerous, and Botim treats safety and privacy much the same as any other major tech company.  While user data is recorded, it is largely anonymized, so there … Read more

Tracking Through Instagram: How To?

Tracking Through Instagram: How To? (All the Info)

The easiest way to track someone through Instagram is to look at the location tags they provide on their posts. You can also find personal information on a person’s Instagram profile. Beyond that, it is possible to use Instagram to find someone’s IP address and then track them via information tied to that address. DNS: Safe? DNS: Safe? (Everything to Know)

Yes, the DNS is safe to use, and there is a fair chance that it is faster and more secure than what you already use. It is a DNS run by Cloudflare, which is a networking company that is trying to provide better internet privacy for users. Changing to this DNS should not cause any problems for most users.

Discord Overlay: Gets You Banned?

Discord Overlay: Gets You Banned? (All the Info)

These days, using Discord Overlay should not be a problem and won’t get you banned. In the past, there were a lot of reports that Overlay could unintentionally get people banned. If that was ever the case, the issues seem to be resolved on a wide scale. You can use Overlay as much as you like.

Notion: Safe, Secure, and Private?

Notion: Safe, Secure, and Private? (Everything to Know)

As a tech platform, Notion is safe, secure, and private relative to the average competitor. There are no outright safety concerns tied to Notion. Notion security is roughly average if not a little below average. Notion’s privacy policies are slightly above average, but they are not winning awards.

Telegram Files: Saved Where on Windows PC?

Telegram Files: Saved Where on Windows PC? (How to Delete?)

By default, Telegram saves files on a PC according to the following file path: C: > Users > [Your Username] > AppData > Roaming > Telegram Desktop. If you want to delete any files, you can do it manually in the “Telegram Desktop” folder. You can also automatically manage Telegram files through the app’s settings.

Telegram Files Download: Saved Where on iPhone?

Telegram Files: Saved Where on iPhone? (How to Delete?)

You can control how Telegram stores files on your iPhone through the Telegram settings. Within those settings are controls for storing data, clearing out data, automatic downloads, and the location for local storage. Finding and deleting Telegram files on your iPhone all happen within these settings.

Telegram Files: Saved Where on Android?

Telegram Files: Saved Where on Android? (How to Delete?)

Telegram saves files on an Android device at this specific folder destination: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.telegram.messenger/files/Telegram. If you want to delete files from this folder, you can do that manually using the File manager on every Android device. Or, clear the cache from within the Telegram app.

4 Ways to Fix Fastly Error: Unknown Domain

4 Ways to Fix Fastly Error: Unknown Domain (All the Info)

In the majority of cases, you will get this message when you are using a VPN to connect to any of these sites. They often use technology to block access that involves a VPN. So, you can either switch your VPN server or disable the VPN altogether to get around the block, and the error will be resolved.

FLTreasureHunt: Legit and Safe?

FLTreasureHunt: Legit and Safe? (.Gov and .Org)

Both and are legitimate websites. The .org website redirects to the .gov website, meaning that they are run by the same group for the same purpose. In this instance, both are managed by the state of Florida and help residents find an unclaimed property that is actually theirs.

Can Someone Hack Your Phone Through Hotspot?

Hacking Phone Through Hotspot: Possible? (Don't Do This)

Technically speaking, yes, someone can hack your phone using its hotspot. If two devices are on the same network, then they can communicate with each other, and a hacker can use that to attack your phone. But, if you secure your hotspot, it’s difficult for hackers to connect to it in the first place, which helps a lot.

RST, ACK Packet vs. RST Packet: Difference?

RST, ACK Packet vs. RST Packet: Difference? (Meaning)

An RST, ACK packet is a packet in a TCP connection that is flagged to tell the system that the packet was received and the transmission is done accepting requests. This flag can show up in many different instances, but a common one is with DDoS attacks. A large number of RST, ACK flags indicates such an attack.